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About Koen Kas

Prof Dr. Koen Kas delivers groundbreaking keynotes, demonstrating his deep knowledge of how healthcare can be delightful. 

He inspires audiences worldwide with a healthcare vision of a biological revolution and envisions a world where people no longer get sick.

Topics include Digital Twins, AI, and Data delight. On stage, his message is equally inspiring, energetic and actionable.


Meet the organizations that have been impacted by Koen's keynotes.

Keynote Examples

AI in Healthcare: Demystified and Destigmatised

Explore how to use AI in reshaping medicine and healthcare delightfully, turning it into a predictive and, rather than an art. AI becomes Anticipational Intelligence

How AI Will Propel Us from Healthy & Happy to Being Epic

Discover the transformative potential of AI in enhancing our daily lives - from longevity research, to capturing our dreams, unlocking our real potential, and providing us a digital Dr baymax from cradle to grave, to digitally living forever.

Creating the Future of Health with Delight Thinking

In ancient China, physicians were paid to maintain people’s health. In his upcoming keynote presentation, Koen will transport you to a future healthcare paradigm reminiscent of this ancient approach. His talk will introduce "Delight Thinking," a shift from our current focus on curing illnesses to a more targeted, preventive, and even enhancement-driven healthcare model. This approach aims to establish optimal health from the ground up. While Koen cannot foresee the exact details of the future, he will guide us in shaping this innovative path. His vision anticipates a world where illness is a thing of the past and prevention becomes a lucrative venture, bringing healthcare full circle back to its preventive roots. And yet, he will explain that we can do better than merely prevent disease....

'Never Sick Again': a New Look Into & Beyond Prevention

While a significant portion, possibly even half, of global health issues are preventable, there's a predominant emphasis on curative methods over prevention. This focus may seem justified since simply nudging people to adopt healthier lifestyles is often not enough. In this presentation, we will explore how we can take a more proactive approach towards a 'never sick again' future, employing innovative prediction and personalized prevention methods that may be completely new to you. Prepare for an enlightening journey through a range of unique and thought-provoking concepts like 50 shades of Pornhub, Netflix coaching, Ronaldo vs Messi, collecting rewards and even flying drones.

Harness the Power of Your Data: Unlock Citizen-Centric Solutions with AI

We’re on the verge of a major shift in healthcare, fueled by citizen-centric data platforms. This advanced technology will help you take charge of your health data. Imagine apps that don't just access but intelligently use your data to provide care that's as unique as you are. It's a transformation that is poised to reshape the roles of healthcare providers, from your local doctor to the big pharma giants. Whether you're a healthcare professional or a curious citizen, Koen will help you navigate the twists and turns of this rapidly changing landscape. Meanwhile Koen will demystify and destigmatise AI use in healthcare.

Genomic Delight and longevity: How To Capitalize on ThE Biology Revolution

The digital revolution was just the beginning of something bigger. It’s time to get prepared for the biology revolution. Genomics, gene-editing and synthetic biology spearhead the arrival of personalized medication, nutrition, wellness and anti-aging / rejuvenation. By highlighting the latest science and the most innovative new applications, Koen will give a thought-provoking session on why it is becoming ethically unacceptable to be ignorant of your own genome. Why we get closer to a truly extended healthspan, dying young, as late as possible.

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